Diwali Information | Diwali Festival Of Lights | Diwali Information In English | Why We Celebrate Diwali | Deepavali
Diwali: Information: Diwali is celebrated all over the world as the festival of lights. It is a celebration of the victory of virtue over vice, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. The lighting of lamps in homes today is not just decoration but has a symbolic story. Just as light destroys darkness, the light of knowledge destroys our ignorance. Virtue triumphs over vice in us.
Diwali Information
Diwali: Information:- Among the festivals celebrated in India, Diwali is the most famous and important festival. In India, people of all religions celebrate Diwali with great joy and enthusiasm. It is said that “Diwali” is a festival of light, joy, celebration, full of love, Diwali is the main Hindu festival in India, Diwali is celebrated in every part of India, in Diwali small oil lamps are lit outside the house and inside the house. Similarly, sky lanterns are placed high up in the house and rangolis are drawn outside the house. This festival comes at the end of the rainy season and the harvest of new crops. The festival of Diwali generally falls between the months of October and November. Diwali festival is a very sacred festival, symbolizing the victory of good instincts over evil instincts.

Diwali is a five-day festival, the height of which is celebrated on the third day which coincides with the darkest night of the lunar month. During the festival, Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs illuminate their homes, temples, and workplaces with lamps, candles, and lanterns. Diwali is also marked by decorating floors with crackers and rangoli designs, and other parts of the house with fringes. Food is the main focus among families who partake in feasts and share sweets. The festival is a time of annual homecoming and bonding not only for families but also for communities and organizations, especially in urban areas, who will organize activities, events, and gatherings. Many cities host community parades and fairs with parades or music and dance performances in parks. Some Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs will send Diwali greeting cards to family near and far during the festive season, sometimes with boxes of Indian sweets.
Diwali is a post-harvest festival celebrated as a reward for the arrival of the monsoon in the subcontinent. Depending on the region, celebrations include prayers to one or more Hindu deities, the most common being Lakshmi. In Indian religious traditions, particularly in relation to goddess worship, Lakshmi symbolizes three virtues: wealth and prosperity, fertility and abundant crops, and good fortune. Businessmen seek Lakshmi’s blessings in their businesses and ritually close their accounting year during Diwali. Fertility is reflected in the agricultural offerings brought to Lakshmi by farming families, who give thanks for the recent harvest and seek her blessings for future bountiful harvests.
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History of the Diwali festival
The festival of Diwali is also known as Diwali. The word Diwali originated from the pronunciation of two Sanskrit words. “Deep” means “lamp” and “Awali” means “line”. The whole meaning of this is the arrangement of lights in a row. Diwali of course. Some also say Deepawali, but the pure word is Deepawali. Its pronunciation varies with different word usage. But the meaning is the same.
The festival of Diwali is about 3000 years old according to the available evidence, it is believed that this festival originated in ancient times, when the Aryans lived in the North Pole region. Some people believe that Ramachandra returned to Ayodhya with Sita after fourteen years of exile. But at that time its appearance was very different from today. It was considered a festival of Yakshas in ancient times.
The lamp that dispels darkness and creates light is considered a symbol of Mangalya. This Deepotsav is celebrated so that the darkness in our lives can be removed by its light. This ceremony is considered to be a celebration of prosperity, joy, and gratitude during the rainy season. On these days, in the evening, rangolis are drawn and garlands are placed at the doors, skylights are installed at the doors of the houses. In Maharashtra and elsewhere, children build mud forts during this time. Clay toys are placed on it. Grain is sown. There is no record of how and when this tradition started.
Importance of the Diwali festival
This five-day festival originated in the Indian subcontinent and is mentioned in early Sanskrit texts. The significance of each day of Diwali is as follows
Ashvin Krishna Dwadashis, i.e. Govatsdwadashis, Vasubaras festival is celebrated. Vasubaras means Vasu means money (Dhan) and Baras for it means Dwadashi. This day is also known as Govats Dwadashi. The importance of this day is special as India’s culture is agrarian.
worshiped on this day for the purpose of bringing Lakshmi into the home. Those who have cattle and calves at home cook Purana on this day. The temperate women of the house pour water on the cow’s feet. Then they carry turmeric-kumkum, flowers, and akshata and garland them around their necks. After waving with Niranjana, Puran Poli, etc. are grown on the banana leaf and fed to the cow.
On Ashwin Krishna Trayodashis Dhantrayodashi, the festival is held. Dhantrayodashi has an intriguing backstory. A supposed prophesy said that Hema Raja’s kid would die at the age of sixteen. The king and queen marry their son so that he may experience all of life’s delights. Death occurs on the fourth day after marriage. His wife won’t let him sleep this night. It is surrounded by gold and silver embellishments. The palace’s entryway is similarly adorned with gold and silver. Massive lighting illuminates all of the palaces. His wife keeps him awake by singing to him and giving him stories. Yama’s eyes sparkle as he tries to enter the prince’s chamber as a serpent. As a result, Yama returns to his planet (Yamloka). According to legend, this is how the prince’s life is saved. This is why this day is also known as Yamdeepdan.
Purchasing clothing on this day is considered lucky. They clean the home objects and ornaments from the box after fasting. Kuber, Vishnu-Lakshmi, Yogini, Ganesha, Naga, and Dravyanidhi are venerated, and monetary gifts are offered to them. In India, this day is also known as National Ayurveda Day.
This day is known as ‘Dhanya Teras’ or ‘Dhyaan Teras’ by Jains. Lord Mahavir entered yogic slumber during the third and fourth meditations on this day. On Diwali, he gained Nirvana after three days of yogic slumber. Since then, this day has been known as Dhanya Teras.
Naraka Chaturdashi
The Legend –
The Narakasuravadha mythology, related to the Naraka Chaturdashi festival, is widely known. Krishna murdered Narakasura on this day, freeing the subjects from his harsh reign. Narakasura conducted penance to please Lord Brahma and requested an avadhyatva blessing, which meant he would not be slain by anybody. With that groom’s yoga, he vanquished several monarchs and captured their daughters and ladies. Narakasura seized a total of 16,100 such ladies and imprisoned them in his city on Mount Mani. In the same mindset, he took the Kundal of Goddess Aditi and the massive umbrella of Varuna.
He enemy enraged with the gods, Gandharvas, and humanity as a result of the favor he received. His capital was Pragjyotishpur, a city encircled by several forts. This capital was encircled by a variety of moats, including fire, water, and others. Krishna rode an eagle across this enormous capital. Krishna murdered Narakasura by severing his body in two. Narakasuravadha pleased the devotees as well as the people. Knowing that the captive virgins of Narakasura would not be accepted by their relatives, Krishna married these 16,100 maidens and gave them social status. Ashwin Krishna Chaturdashi Naraka Chaturdashi is celebrated to commemorate the prowess of Krishna.
Lakshmi Pujan
On Ashwin Amavasya, Akshmi Puja is done. Pradoshkala worships Lakshmi on this day (evening). Lakshmi is said to be a fickle goddess. As a result, Lakshmi Puja is conducted on a stable marriage, presumably according to Hindu scriptures, to ensure that Lakshmi remains steady. Lakshmi is thought to be in good health. Shreesuktapathan is also practiced in many homes. After Lakshmi Puja, the New Year of Reckoning (Vikramasamvat) begins for businesspeople. Every Abhyanga bathes on this day. On the dish, a rangoli is drawn, and rice is retained. It is topped with a bowl or plate. He is revered by adorning it with gold decorations, silver rupees, and jewels.
Lakshmi Pooja in Maharashtra includes nevaidya of bhend, battase, and sali leaves. Businesspeople commemorate this day with considerable excitement. People buy fresh kersuni for cleaning on this day. They sprinkle water on her and carry turmeric and kumkum about the home, thinking of her as Lakshmi. It is thought that having (Alakshmi) in the house reduces poverty by cleansing the house with Kersuni.
It was common to worship Kubera on this night in ancient times. Kubera is revered as the gods’ treasurer and the ruler of riches. A unique cultural occasion was lighting a candle and inviting the Yakshas and their king Kubera to worship. On the occasion of Lakshmi Puja, two fundamental principles are ingrained in the mind: ‘Integrity and ethics in financial concerns’ and ‘Gratitude for the means of earning.’ Gautama Ganadhar, Lord Mahavira’s greatest pupil, acquired enlightenment on the same evening that Lord Mahavir reached Moksha. That is why Lakshmi Puja is conducted on Diwali evening, not to get Lakshmi in the form of money, but to obtain Moksha-Lakshmi, or self-welfare.
On Kartik Shuddha Pratipada, the Balipratipada celebration is held. On this day, known as Diwali Padwa, the Bali King is depicted with rangoli and worshipped while singing ‘Avoid Ida Peeda and Baliche Rajya Yawo.’ There are three and a half Muhurtas. As a Muhurta, this day has unique importance. Farmers take a bath early in the morning, put on a blanket, and proceed to the field with a lighted lamp made of dough in a pot, which they bury in a trench on the farm embankment. In certain locations, the victim is revered by carving a horse image of her. This excrement is known as “Shubha.” Such is King Bali’s well-being on the day of his adoration.
On this day, Vikram Samvat begins. One of the three-and-a-half muhurtas is Padwa. In terms of financial considerations, businesspeople see Diwali’s Padwa as the start of the New Year. Businesspeople begin the year by worshipping new books in order to attract Lakshmi. The new books of businessmen’s deposits and expenses are opened on this day. The Vahya is worshipped before beginning a new Vahya using turmeric-kunku, gandha, flower, and akshata. Traders conduct business on this day as well.
Govardhan Puja
The people of Mathura worship Mount Govardhan in the morning on the day of Balipratipada. Those who cannot do so worship Govardhana in imitation of him. Annakoot is actually the worship of Govardhana.
In ancient times, this festival was held for Indraprityartha. But when the Vaishnava sect became strong, Indra Puja was transformed into Govardhan Puja. Annakoot is the act of preparing various types of dishes and food items and placing them in front of the idol of Krishna and offering them to Krishna.
Bhaubij festival is celebrated on Kartik Shuddha II. On this day, Yama went to his sister Yami’s house for dinner and it is believed that this day got its name “Yamadvitiya”. This is the day of brother-sister love. On this day, the brother eats a hearty meal at the sister’s house, and after the sighting of the core of the moon in the evening, the sister first waves the crescent and then the brother. The brother then felicitates the sister by giving ‘Owalani’ on a waving plate. Every society has at least one festival of brother-sister relationships. Chitragupta is worshiped on Bhaubije day. This day is celebrated by the Kayastha community as the birth anniversary of Chitragupta. Thus citizens of different religions celebrate Diwali according to their own customs all over the world.
Diwali is one of the oldest and most famous festivals in India. Diwali is given special importance in Hinduism. The word Diwali means “festival of lights” or “festival of lights”. In Sanskrit, the word Diwali is considered to mean “Deepawali”. It is interpreted as a”row of lights”. The rainy season is over and cold weather is here. There is a kind of happiness in the atmosphere. Markets are crowded with a variety of goods, food, and clothing. Whatever the reason for celebrating Diwali, there is a lot of excitement in the market during this festival. Every year people throng the shops for sweets, clothes, and essential items as well as jewelry. The common man also buys freely at this time. In India, people of different religions celebrate Diwali according to their customs, so this festival has an atmosphere of joy and excitement in everyone’s home. Friends, if you liked this article, please let us know through comments.
Diwali FAQ
Q. How To Celebrate Diwali?
Diwali: Information: Diwali is celebrated all over the world as the festival of lights. It is a celebration of the victory of virtue over vice, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. The lighting of lamps in homes today is not just decoration but has a symbolic story. Just as light destroys darkness, the light of knowledge destroys our ignorance. Virtue triumphs over vice in us.
The way of celebrating the Diwali festival is very attractive and charming, with the arrival of this festival everyone’s mind is filled with celebration and joy. So let’s know some fascinating things about Diwali. Cleaning is done – A few days before the arrival of Diwali, people start cleaning their homes, office, school, college, etc. all major places along with paint, whitewashing, etc., and increase the beauty and positive energy. Decorations – One of the major and attractive functions of celebrating this festival is decoration, in this form decorations play an important role.
Mode of Worship:-
First take a plate and spread a red cloth on it.
Install idols of Goddess Lakshmi and Ganapati as well as idols of Rama on the square. Place the idol of Ganesha on the right and the idol of Lakshmiji on the left and in the middle place a picture or idol of Lord Rama or as per your preference.
Make a swastika with a roll on a Kalash filled with water, place a coconut on top of the Kalash and place it on top of the Kalash. Light 11 lamps in a beautiful rangoli near the post and light incense, agar batti. Install gold or silver coins (if any) on the post, keep money, etc. Clean with Ganga water and garland the idols of Ganesha, Lakshmi, and Shri Ram. Ring bells or conch shells, offer Tilak to all Gods, and offer fruits, flowers, flowers, betel nuts, betel nuts, followed by sweets. First of all, worship Ganpati with devotion and then perform Aarti to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Rama. Finally, distribute the prasad.
Q. Why is Diwali celebrated?
- Among all the festivals celebrated in India, Diwali has a special significance both religiously and socially. As every festival has some religious story behind it, Diwali also has it. But there are many stories behind Diwali which have given Diwali a unique significance.
- But we know only one story of Diwali from childhood. That is Rama’s. After 14 years of exile after killing Ravana, Rama returns to Ayodhya with Sita and Lakshmana. But did you know that there are other reasons to celebrate Diwali besides this? Today we are going to tell you the same reasons.
- Lakshmi Devi’s Birthday – According to the scriptures, it is believed that Goddess Lakshmi was born on this day. Hence Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped on this day.
- Lord Vishnu’s Vaman Avatar – On this day, Lord Vishnu took the Vaman avatar and rescued Goddess Lakshmi from the captivity of the Bali king. So it is believed that Diwali is celebrated on this day.
- The killing of Narakasura-Krishna killed Narakasura on Kartik Chaturdashi so Naraka Chaturdashi is celebrated on that day. After Narakasura slew the people there celebrated Kartik Amavasya by lighting lamps. This is also one of the reasons for celebrating Diwali.
- Pandavas returned from exile – On the day of Kartik Amavasya, Pandavas returned from 12 years of exile. Then the people of Hastinapur welcomed him by lighting lamps.
- Manifestation of Lakshmi and Kubera from the Churning of the Sea: According to mythology, Goddess Lakshmi appeared from the churning of the sea on the day of Diwali. Goddess Lakshmi and Kubera appeared on this day from Dudh Sagar known as Kesar Sagar. On this occasion, Goddess Lakshmi gave the boon of happiness and prosperity to all the creatures of the world.
- Coronation of Chakravarti King Vikramaditya, Promoter of Vikram Samvat-According to historians, the great king of Hinduism, Chakravarti Vikramaditya, the promoter of Vikram Samvat, was coronated on this day. Hence, Diwali is also a historical festival.
- Nirvana-Diwali of Jain Guru Mahavir is important not only for Hindus but also for Jains. It is believed that Jain Guru Mahavir attained Nirvana on this day. Hence Jain community also celebrates Diwali.
- Release of Hargobind Sahab, the sixth Guru of Sikhs – Diwali is also very important for Sikhs. On this day in 1577, the foundation stone of the Golden Temple in Amritsar was started. Apart from this, on the day of Diwali in 1618, Hargobind Singh, the sixth Guru of the Sikhs, was released from the captivity of Emperor Jahangir.